Title: "Rising into Being" - Abstract Artwork by Bretta Perry Art | 30x40 in. Textured Canvas Art
Explore the captivating world of "Rising into Being," an abstract mixed media masterpiece by Bretta Perry.
This original 30x40 inch abstract modern artwork is a striking mix of textures and colors, created on canvas using foam, plaster, muslin, gold leaf, resin, and mica. The dynamic composition features a rich palette of dark shades, including deep blacks and blues accented with vibrant hints of white and caramel.
This piece invites viewers into a mystical journey, depicting souls hiding behind the veil. The intricately crafted skulls symbolize those not yet ready for rebirth, while the expressive faces represent those approaching readiness for new beginnings. At the center, the resplendent gold face emerges as a symbol of transformation and new life—a stunning focal point adorned in gold leaf that captures the light and draws the eye.
Perfect for art enthusiasts seeking unique wall decor or collectors looking for original textured pieces. Add a touch of surreal elegance and depth to your space with this stunning artwork that speaks to the soul’s journey and transformation.
To ensure the longevity of your artwork, keep it out of direct sunlight to maintain the vibrancy of the colors and textures. When necessary, gently clean the surface with a damp cloth to preserve its beauty and clarify its intricate details.